There are so many things a parent can fret over when bringing a new baby home. The world is a dangerous place for a fresh, young human being. All a parent wants to do is keep their baby safe, warm, and fed.
Some of the things we worried about turned out to be completely unfounded.
My wife and I were concerned that Edie would not want to be a big sister and would ask us to return the baby from wence he came. That was so not the case. Edie is as good to her brother as any two year old could possibly be.

We were convinced that Artie would be a difficult sleeper since Edie has always been well behaved at bedtime and typically goes to sleep with little fuss.
Wrong about that, we were. When young Arthur gets sleepy, he’s ready to be out. He wakes up to eat at night, but who can blame him, he doesn’t get to eat burritos right before bed like his dad.

Really, our biggest challenge has been Artie’s itchy skin. He has had a tough time this winter being dry and itchy. We switched him to a soy based formula in the hope that that would help. We believe that it has somewhat, but he still likes to scratch himself in his sleep. He’s got some little claw fingers too. His left cheek has been his enemy, poor guy has to wear sock hands to bed.

The first attempts at food have been hit or miss. Artie loves his milk. Of course, he love sweet foods like smashed bananas and Go Go Squeeze packets.
Early on, Edie learned that “Edie eats food, Artie drinks milk”. Now she has to revise her thinking. Artie eats food too.
The first six months of having two babies in the house has been some of the most fulfilling time I’ve had in my life. It’s just amazing to watch two tiny people learn how to interact with each other.
For all you baby picture lovers, please observe the gallery below.