It’s been a minute since I posted anything about my sweet baby Edie.

She’s been cruising along steadily since she turned one.

We don’t have a walking toddler quite yet, but she does like to stand up and balance herself. Especially in front of her chair. She got her very own comfy Chair to sit in for xmas and she just loves lounging. One day she will stand up and walk away from it, never to crawl again.

Pens, pencils, and markers are a favorite of Edie. They are all over the house, believe me. Just this past week we’ve been actually letting her use them to draw. Gotta watch closely though, there’s no difference between paper and tabletop to her yet.

Edie’s got balls, too. Literally. We found a couple of racquetballs laying around and they instantly became Edie’s. She can’t catch a ball to save her life, but she throws one like a young Nolan Ryan in his prime. We find them in all corners of our house.

Her reigning favorite toy though, is still her set of donuts. Not really donuts, but really a set of wooden stacking rings. They are so versatile that they remain a favorite of hers after months of use and lots of “cooler toys” coming into her possession.

Then, of course are her books. She just got some fancy Dr. Seuss for xmas, but keeps coming back to “Peek-a Who?” and this silly little book called “Ha-Ha-Ha!”. The latter is a favorite of mine also. In this house, we read a lot and couldn’t be happier about it. Ask Sam to recite some of her favorite passages sometime, she’s got a lotta baby books memorized!

Edie’s tooth game is slowly taking shape, her two front bottom teeth are coming in very nicely. The top two are on the way, but you never know, it could be six months before they cut through. I’ll tell ya what though, she loves brushing her teeth in the morning and before bed right now. I wish it would stay that way, but I know better. Maybe she’ll be the exception and she’ll just be a perfect little brusher her whole life. One can hope.

Our house is a remodeled old farm house. It’s a nice place and we love it very much. One thing that’s hard to remedy in an older home though, is an old staircase. For whatever reason, in the old days, folks seemed to love making stairways that would likely kill a small child or an old lady if they fell. Our stairs are quite steep, but that doesn’t stop our lovely daughter one bit. As soon as she mastered crawling on flat surfaces, she was up the stairs. Coming down took a little practice though. It won’t be long before we will need to install a gate to protect her from herself.

Her absolute favorite locale to play? Washing machine. She really loves to fiddle with the door to the washer, I’m surprised she hasn’t tried to climb in yet. Time will tell.

All of us in the Lardy home are loving all the time we get to spend together and this year is gonna be a mega adventure, not just for Edie, but for all of us. Once Edie gets the hang of walking, she will get to learn how to be a big sister!

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