Our young child doesn’t know yet how fortunate she is having such a wealth of loving family members. Grandmas, aunts, friends, and even complete strangers are vying for the opportunity to babysit! The holidays were quite a ride for Edie this year, the process of moving from prenatal bliss to new baby really wore her out. Regardless though, she hopped on the holiday family train and everyone had a chance for a photo op or two…
Once we got little Edie home, I couldn’t resist the urge to make a holiday card with her mom, brother, and pooch. It’s not immediately clear, but we matched her robot themed outfit with the robot tree ornaments Sam made a couple of years ago. Edie was just a couple of days old when we took this picture.
Tyler, Marion, Sam, Mike, Edie
The next photo op on Edie’s list happened when Grandpa Doug and Grandma Karen swung by on their way down south to escape the winter. They couldn’t escape Edie though. We couldn’t get festive enough in front of the tree with our neutral black, grey and brown attire. Fortunately the baby was smart enough to wear a little color for the camera.
Sam, Mike, Edie, Grandpa Doug, Grandma Karen
The first attempt to infiltrate the Parson household was thwarted by winter ailments but our second attempt was a smashing success. Uncle Brett was home from his never-ending college party allowing us to connect with the whole gang. Grandma Shelly and Grandpa Bruce both got their chance for a little one-on-one time while the uncles and brother laid around enjoying some teenage camaraderie. Don’t fret fans of Grandma Mavis, she got some time with Edie off camera. It just wouldn’t be right to deny a baby to a great grandmother would it?
Mike, Sam, Grandma Mavis, Grandma Shelly, Edie, Eric, Tyler, Brett, Grandpa Bruce.
With all these new babies around, the Hennen Family Organization was a challenge to bring together this year. In fact, this “Christmas Story” didn’t happen til the eighth of December. But look at all those kids. As of this writing, Edie isn’t even the newest baby anymore (congrats Jessie and Joe)! Cousins abound, I say.
Mike, Joe, Xavier, Jessie, Sam, Edie, Grandpa Wayne, Grandma Janelle, Trace, Mandy, Xander, Nick, Everett, Katie, McKenzie, Tyler
Happy New Year family! Bookmark my website as I will be keeping you in the loop as this baby grows and learns new things. Plus I’ll be building out other pages on my site as well. Being at home with a baby sure does open up time for me to sit here and type. Sign up for my Mailing List at the bottom of the page as well to receive whatever weird updates I might send.