We humans live in a wonderful time.
Access to even the most trivial of resources are everywhere. It’s easy to be entertained.
A very smart guy I listen to says, and I’m paraphrasing here, the richest emperors of the Holy Roman Empire didn’t even have flush toilets a few hundred years ago.
Kings of the world didn’t have airplanes or air conditioning.
We all have amazing computers in our pockets now. Louis C.K. has a great bit about how ungrateful we are about it too.
When I was a kid, Grandma Mavis would head to the bedroom and grab the old camera from the closet or wherever, and everyone had to pause their actions so we could capture the moment. Then three months later when the film roll was depleted, she could take it to town to have a professional person turn the little film reel into a bunch of photographs that hopefully turned out good. There’s a really good movie starring Robin Williams that takes place at the death of this industry.
Now, you press the home button and swipe to the left and that trusty old camera is in your hand, ready to rock.
Then it beams the photos you just took to your computer, iPad, whatever. Just like that.
Edie is a newcomer to this amazing universe we are in and she’s lucky enough to see the back of my phone up close and personal just about every day. It’s just so easy to take high quality pics, and fast too.
As long as she continues to be a ham for the camera, I’m gonna keep taking pics of her wonderful face. It may be overkill (I’ve taken over 700 pictures since she was born) but our family is gonna love being able to watch her face grow up and experience the joy that is this existence.
If you like cute babies, enjoy these little montages I’ve put together from the last couple of weeks.
If you don’t like cute babies, how did you end up here?
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